Friday, February 03, 2006

Customers were cranky today. I'm sorry, random homeless looking dude, it's not my fault they changed the computers and they're all slow now. And no, I have no say in changing it back. So when I told you that, and said sorry, you really shouldn't have said, "Don't be sorry, just fix it!" so imperiously.

Also: coupon related drama that is sadly a fact of life and nothing new for me.

In happier news: I made it my mission today to tell as many coworkers as possible that Mulva busted his DVD player watching R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet," and what he fears a repairman would think of him if said repairman fixed his DVD player and found out that the DVD stuck in his DVD player is R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet."

Also, I don't know if anyone will ever read this, because I've been trying to read my blog and I keep getting a 403: Forbidden error. Silly internet, didn't you know I will try doubly hard if you label it "forbidden?" It makes it feel much more like a game of cat and mouse where souls hang in the balance. I can't resist that shit.

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