Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm tired today. I stayed up slightly later than I should've, rocking out to the musical stylings of Kevin, and then I was worrying about getting enough sleep, said worrying depriving me of yet more sleep.

Kevin is GOOD, by the way. I was kind of surprised the first time I heard any of his stuff, because I was like, "Oh geez, I'm going to have to pretend to like it, and I will never have any respect for Kevin ever again if it's bad." But it wasn't bad. Last night he played a lot of new songs that weren't on his CD and they were all good too! And I think he's got very good stage-patter. Maybe I'll be able to say I knew him before he made it big. I think with my gift card purchases I'm going to go ahead and actually buy his CD (the copy I have right now I actually borrowed from Carmax forever ago, and I feel kind of bad I haven't been able to give it back, we keep accidently not hanging out when we mean to. But she's going to my birthday dinner tomorrow, so I should be able to give it back finally).

I was also glad I got to go with Mouse. Before Kevin went on, we sat in the back and made fun of the performer before him. Seriously, the guy's songs sucked, his patter was even worse, and he had hair like a brillo pad. I suspect a perm gone terribly wrong (though how many perms actually go right?) except that I can't imagine anyone doing that to their hair on purpose. Also, he had a song called "What have I done?" and Mouse and I came up with horrible things to plug into the song as what the guy did, such as, "Look at these dead babies/what have I done?" "I shouldn't have gone on that killing rampage/what have I done?" "I wish I hadn't mauled those girl scouts/what have I done?" Then we got so bored waiting for Kevin's turn that we went over to Best Buy and looked around. Mouse totally said to some random Best Buy employee, "it's frickin' freezing in here, Mr. Bigglesworth!" Then we went back to watch Kevin.

I suspect Mouse was also glad to have me along, as I jumped his car for him. We used my Dad's jumper cables and Mouse stood out in the subzero windchill while I tried to figure out where my hood release is. A cop came by to hassle me for parking illegally in order to be in jumping position, but we made it through unscathed. This incident, by the way, inspired my dad to buy me my own jumper cables. So now in addition to the 10,000 other roadside survival things I have in the trunk of my car thanks to him, I also have jumper cables. They were billed as "an early birthday gift," but I had to laugh at that. They are jumper cables, you just got the urge to buy them, they don't count.

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