Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm so, so tired. I got zero sleep the last few nights, and then last night I did get to sleep pretty well, but I had to get up at 5 a.m. and.... yeah, that makes me tired. I think I could sleep three days in a row and then if the last day I had to get up at 5 a.m. I would still be tired.

One thing I am tired of: bitchy customers who get mad at one aspect of our discounts or another.

And I'm sure I'm going to get a million stupid questions about the card we're going to start offering soon. What I especially love is customers who interupt you while you're explaining something to ask you a question that you're obviously about to answer anyway.

"Would you like our free coupons?"
"Are they free?"
"Yes. All you have to do is--"
"What do I have to do?"
"All you have to do is give us your email and we don't give--"
"Do you give out my e-mail?"
"No. We don't give it out to anyone else."

That was not an exaggeration! I have had that exact conversation before. Multiple times. And the card has so many damn ins and outs to explain that it'll be like that only annoyingness times ten.

On the other hand: employees can use the card too, and it's a pretty sweet deal for us.

I also had fun at our little meeting we had where we had to learn about it. Probably too much fun, I think a couple of the managers were annoyed. One joke I enjoyed that was probably annoying to them was we have to re-get these people's email, and explain to them that they're not going to get twice the e-mail. They were telling us the best way to go about that, but the way I wanted to use was, "A terrible fire burnt all our records."

Also, our test customer account is under the name Wellington, and so Hootie was like, "Known affectionately as "Beef" to his friends," and we started up all sorts of jokes about Beef. When I pretended to be a customer, I was claiming common-law marriage to Beef to use his account. And when we got into ways to prevent fraud using the account, I was like, "Beef! Do not SCREW WITH THE ____ CORPORATION. We KNOW what you're UP TO, Beef. We do NOT take kindly to this sort of thing, Beef." By the end, Hootie and I were in tears of laughter. But I didn't feel like I was being too bad of a slacker with my Beef jokes because we'd pretty much learned everything by then but were just practicing it.

A good thing about today is I actually made reccomendations I could be proud of. Usually when they make us reccomend things, I either don't bother or reccomend something that I don't personally know anything about, I just hear whatever it is is popular.

Anyway, this one guy got Coheed & Cambria's new album, and I totally went on and on about their other two albums for him, which is probably more than he wanted to know.

The other, this chick got Invader Zim on DVD. Which, I had forgotten, but I really love Invader Zim. It's this hilarious cartoon. I probably have seen 6 or so episodes, because I was at this person's house once who had a lot of them on DVD and we watched a ton of them all in a row, and I haven't seen it since then, but I remember it fondly. Anyway, I suggested Home Movies, which you all know I'm obsessed with. It was an AWESOME suggestion, because it's another cartoon series, and it's not so blindingly popular and obvious a suggestion as say, the Simpsons. Anyway, the chick said she did like Home Movies, and she didn't know we had it on DVD until I mentioned it, so maybe some day she will come back for it. And be like, "Yeah, this awesome employee of yours suggested it to me!" and I will look great.

I can dream.

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