Saturday, February 04, 2006

Fact: Kiefer Sutherland is a cigar afficiando.

Today did not start well. In fact, the "fact" I envisioned starting this post with was going to be "all people suck and I hate them. Yes, I envision blog posts during the day.

One of the cranky people from yesterday actually called our corporate office to complain about me. Honestly. He like, had a ton of our punch cards, and I consolodated them onto one, and we're not supposed to give people the discount you get at the end until the next time they come in. And he got really pissed and called corporate and they called boss boss who yelled at me.

I hate this. We got really crappy training. They have never told us which discount rules we can bend or not, so EVERY time something like this comes up (which is ALL THE TIME with all our sales and coupons) I have to decide whether or not I want to piss off a customer, who might complain, and get my employers pissed off at me, or go for the direct route, which is giving them a discount I can't give, and getting my employers pissed off at me. Either way, I usually get someone mad at me.

But I had lunch with Optpri, which cheered me up. She is awesome. I don't know why we don't hang out together more. The one excuse I kind of had to hang out with her never panned out, and I couldn't think of anything else.

Then, I don't know if it was the caffiene or the sugar in the pop I had at lunch or what, but the rest of the day flew by, and I regained the energy that had been lacking. I had the most fun discussing the magazine cigar afficianado with a cigar afficiando customer. And I myself am not even a cigar afficianado, nor remotely interested in cigars noramly.

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