Thursday, February 02, 2006

So, I have noticed some annoying things I do that I have to stop.

1) Stop randomly mentioning people when I'm with other people. I think I used to do it because I had few to none friends, so if I was doing something with someone, I felt defensive about it and would mention people left and right to make them think I really do have friends. Now that I actually have friends: I think it gets old.

2) Stop randomly shouting things when I am not the center of attention in order to become the center of attention. It is O.K. to not be the center of attention.

In other news, I finalized my birthday list:

You and Me and Everyone We Know. Reason: It is just too awesome.

Home Movies Season 3. Reason: It is the most underrated show ever. AND too awesome.

Moonlight Mile & The Good Girl. Reason: I love Jake Gylenhaal so much. So, so, so much. Okay, not enough to buy The Day After Tomorrow, and not enough to ever, ever, watch Bubble Boy. But definately enough to get these two. Plus: they are pretty awesome.

Ben Folds & WASO Live at Perth. Reason: I love Ben Folds so much. More than Jake, actually. There is no CD of his I don't own, and I would so own his stuff from Itunes if I could get Itunes. And I hate live things, but Ben IS pretty good live. AND, there will be an orchestra. Because the O in WASO stands for orchestra. Who doesn't love them some Ben Folds + orchestra? Yes, I'm totally rationalizing.

Coheed & Cambria Live at The Starland Ballroom. Reason: I dunno. This one and the Ben Folds one, I'm kind of reaching, because I'm actually pretty content. I got everything I wanted at Christmas this year. I like music videos (which this includes) but I really don't like live CD's and DVD's, as I mentioned. BUT, it DOES come with the videos, which I've never seen, but have to be interesting, considering how weird Coheed & Cambria are, and how everything they do goes to be part of this crazy rock opera concept story thing. I keep wishing I could get my hands on one of the graphic novels that go along with their stuff, but I've heard they don't enlighten that much either.

Then, I asked for a couple CD's, again padding out the list a little. Franz Ferdinand's first album because I've been debating whether or not to get it forever and I figure what the hell. Fall Out Boy's CD because I can't resist them anymore, but at least I can make my parents pay for them instead of me.

Also, a quick summary of my evening:

Sui: what is up
Phoemeister: not much
Phoemeister: just came back from one of the film party things
Sui: cool what'd you watch?
Phoemeister: Being There
Phoemeister: it was a Peter Sellers thing
Phoemeister: I wasn't in love with it
Phoemeister: but it wasn't too horrible
Sui: hmm don't think I'ev seen it
Phoemeister: It's like Big but more subtle and Peter Sellers is more stupid
Sui: haha
Sui: it sounds.. okay
Phoemeister: we also watched part of R Kelly's In the Closet
Phoemeister: it was pretty funny
Sui: haha
Phoemeister: there's this midget with an inhaler
Phoemeister: he's her baby's daddy
Sui: haha brilliant

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