Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I finally remembered what I wanted to post about. But I ended up talking to Ryan about it, so I'm just going to go ahead and post the conver rather than going through it again:

Phoemeister: in other news we went over my finances and I think I'm going to be stuck living with them for another whole year ,which I had not anticipated :/
Phoemeister: yeah
Sui: blah that sucks
Sui: why?
Phoemeister: well I told you I make like 800 bucks a month, right?
Sui: yeah
Phoemeister: well we actually broke it down what it costs to live in this town
Phoemeister: and what I'd have to pay if I got health insurance (right now I only have vision and dental from work, because I'm still covered under my parents health insurance)
Phoemeister: and what stupid apartements and condos cost around here
Phoemeister: and what I'd probably want to pay into my 401K
Sui: haha
Phoemeister: and all that
Sui: I'm not sure what health insurance and 401k's have to do with moving into your own place
Phoemeister: and I could not afford it by a mile
Phoemeister: well it all boils down to the fact that I'd only have like $250 dollars to spend on rent in a month
Sui: you're not doing that now, why would you start doing it when you moved out?
Phoemeister: I'm not doing what now?
Sui: paying for health insurance and putting away money for a 401k
Sui: that's the kind of stuff you do when you have a better paying job
Sui: not something you do when you're barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck
Phoemeister: well the health insurance I'm not doing because I'm covered by my parents because I'm their dependant. If I moved out I would no longer be their dependant and not entitled to their insurance. Plus, once I turn 25 I'm not entitled to it even if I do live with them. Then, the 401K I would be doing now, except you have to be there 6 months before you can enroll.
Phoemeister: Yes. But if I think that way I'll be like, eating dogfood when I retire
Sui: I'm not sure that your physical location determines whether you are a dependent or not
Suibrom: and if you continue this way.. you'll still be living with your parents when you retire ; P
Phoemeister: :/
Phoemeister: I know
Phoemeister: I suck
Phoemeister: I just don't know what to do
Sui: did your parents even offer to help out?
Phoemeister: offer to help pay for a place?
Phoemeister: no
Sui: yeah
Sui: That sucks
Sui: they could have at least suggested helping a little with food each month or something
Sui: since they're doing that now
Phoemeister: *shrugs*
Phoemeister: I don't know what my dad's thoughts on the issue are, but you KNOW my mom is all controlly and smothery. The closer she can keep me the better, as far as she's concerned.
Phoemeister: so the benefit to her of paying for food and stuff for me now is that I'm right there to boss around :P
Sui: and honestly.. this is my opinion
Sui: your mom refuses to help because she doesnt' want you to go anywhere else
Sui: she wants to be able to just smother you
Sui: so they point out all the ways that it's impossible for you to do it on your own
Phoemeister: yeah
Sui: and refuse to offer ways that they could help
Sui: and that really sucks
Phoemeister: well I don't know what else to do, really. I mean, if I end up finding a way to move out this year, I'll do it, and fuck the insurance, we can still pretend like I live with them if we have to. But I don't know what to do. Even with a roommate, which I don't even know how to find, I can't really afford anything.
Sui: I hear the ghetto is nice this time of year ; )
Phoemeister: its worse than you realize
Phoemeister: there is no ghetto in bloomington normal
Sui: damn
Sui: where do you go for your crack?

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