Thursday, February 23, 2006

So first off, I want to mention: The Man Who Saved Christmas stopped in the other day. I can't believe I forgot to mention it. I've wondered before if he has been in since then, but the problem is I don't remember faces very well since I see so many people every day, especially during the holiday season. And I was all, "The Man Who Saved Christmas could be in here once a week and I would never even know it was him!" and it was kind of sad.

Anyway, he actually kind of came up to my register yesterday and I greeted him or whatever and he said, "You don't remember me do you?" and of course I didn't, and then he added, "I had a couple things wrapped around Christmas time..." and then of course I totally remembered. I told him how I call him The Man Who Saved Christmas etc. etc. I think I might've freaked him out a little. BUT: the fact that he brought it up to me when he could've just anonymously shopped despite the fact that I acted like an insane woman the night we met means that he does not mind freakiness from me, I think.

Phoemeister: speaking of guys I am meant to be with
Phoemeister: The Man Who Saved Christmas totally stopped in yesterday
Sista: did you make out with him?
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: no
Phoemeister: He's actually kind of old, I hadn't remembered that
Phoemeister: plus I think if he were in love with me he might've stopped in more in the last two months
Sista: i like older guys
Phoemeister: BUT, he did actually go up to me and mention the incident, so now I know what he looks like
Phoemeister: I don't really
Sista: i like most guys
Phoemeister: maybe you should hook up with the man who saved christmas
Sista: is he attractive?
Sista: he is obviously hillarious
Phoemeister: Well... okay. I can't be picky. I can't be 100% sure that if The Man Who Saved Christmas asked me to make out with him, I would say no. I'm just saying, seeing him did not really make me warm for his form.
Phoemeister: Average looks, I guess.
Sista: did you say warm for his form?
Phoemeister: I said warm for his form!
Sista: dear god
Sista: Phoe, this might be the reason you've never been active with men... "i am very warm for your form" actually that would probably work.. it sounds overly sexual...... i take back what i said use that line
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: okay

In other news, I opened my gift from my sister: and whoa. EVERYTHING I asked for that my parents didn't get. That is hella generous. Especially since I don't have that much money and always get her something cheap that I get a discount on from the store. And also now I know why my parents had to resort to padding, because my sister is also hella efficient and I KNOW she went out and got this stuff like the day after I gave it to her, leaving my parents with not as great of a selection to pick from.

I also got a free dessert from the store. I'm signed up for this savings card, so I got a coupon for a free dessert. I thought of just getting a cookie, but instead I went ahead and got the most expensive thing I could for the hell of it. That was cheesecake, which I don't normally like, but we have this white chocolate raspberry cheesecake that actually turned out to be quite awesome.

I also feel a little bad about everything I've gotten between Christmas and my birthday. With the giant pile of CD's and DVD's I have and/or will have once I cash out all the giftcards: I'm sure I could feed a third world country or something. And then whining about having too much makes me even more of a jerk. I really need to start volunteering at a shelter or something to feel less bad about myself. I have no idea how to go about this, or find volunteer work I would not be even more of a jerk about and quit right away. Which boils down to "I'm too lazy, I guess I'll just feel bad about myself and my burgeois family who loves me and buys me things."

Film night was tonight, it was a less crowded one with only a couple work people (Mouse & Optpri, plus obviously Mulva and me) but the movie, Schizopolis was still hella good. I tell you, I want Steven Soderbergh to have my babies. Judging by his character in this, though (he acts as well as directs! is there nothing he can't do?) he might be too busy masturbating. Anyway, as the title suggests, it's pretty random, so um... if you ever find yourself in the position of watching it, don't expect anything like his more commercial movies (Erin Brockivich, Ocean's 11). I'm told it all ties together and has all these "secret" messages, but as Steven says in the speech at the beginning of the film, I'm too stupid to get them. And as Mulva says, you have to watch it about 50 times before you get them. And I really did like it... but I can see how it would get old for me on repeated viewing. Some of the funny bits are most amusing because of novelty.

Also, we decided that one of our coworkers is secretly the guy in the movie who was, I guess, an exterminator, who took naked photos of himself and had sex with a lot of women and then finally just started randomly beating up mattress salesmen and shooting people. Also he had some pretty sweet goggles, not to mention his bitchin' ride.

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