Sunday, February 26, 2006

Work was slightly less insane today. I looked at how many transactions I had at registers yesterday, and it was about 225. The closest person only even had about 190, and most people only ran 120 or 130. Plus, we sold 120% more than we expected yesterday. So I feel pretty much justified in feeling all bitter and angry and overworked at the end of yesterday, now.

Today I had the early shift, so for the first glorious half of the day I didn't even have to deal with customers, which was nice. The second half, the customers were fairly decent and it was a little slower than yesterday.

Also, Optpri and I carpooled again, which was awesome both ecologically speaking and in terms of interesting conversation on the way to and from work. I also bought a zanimal keychain (the frog). Zanimal! Zanimal, I tell you! Zanimal zanimal zanimal!


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