Thursday, February 16, 2006

If you can read this, I am actually whining for nothing

NYC: what are you doing with yourself?
Phoemeister: I'm trying to mess with my blog some. I finally got a template I like + a picture people seem to like, but then it turns out the text isn't showing up for some people
NYC: odd
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: I blame the world
NYC: the whole fuckin world is against you
Phoemeister: it IS
Phoemeister: blogger won't even let me in to fix it
Phoemeister: and I'm dying to
Phoemeister: so I keep trying over and over
Phoemeister: for naught
NYCs: the words on your blog mesh with the backround
Phoemeister: but they shouldn't
Phoemeister: if the damn template worked right
Phoemeister: there would be a background of kind of cream color
Phoemeister: on top of the back background
Phoemeister: so it'd be like cream box with brown stuff around
Phoemeister: instead of just the brown
Phoemeister: and I would fix it except blogger won't let me log in
NYC: why is that?
Phoemeister: because it's down
Phoemeister: blogger is down, i mean
Phoemeister: or else the whole fuckin world is just against me.
NYC: i would bet against that
Phoemeister: which? blogger being down or the whole fuckin world being against me?
Phoemeister: either way it won't let me edit my blog and I'm pissed
NYC: stupid blog
NYC: and world
Phoemeister: ah
Phoemeister: yesss
Phoemeister: I'm finally logged in
Phoemeister: let's see if it actually works
Phoemeister: apparently not
Phoemeister: unless you count moving as slowly as my dead grandma working
NYCl: haha
Phoemeister: I mean, I told you when I logged in like ten minutes ago
Phoemeister: and I still have not gotten to the point where I can enter anything
NYC: christ
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: it gave me hope only to dash it away
Phoemeister: now it's down totally again
Phoemeister: I hate it when blogger won't work
Phoemeister: I feel like I will have no recourse but to talk to actual people

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