Saturday, September 21, 2002

Music Smartie!

How Are You Smart?

Eh, I don't know. I more like to listen to music, the more I learn about it the more I learn that I don't know anything about it at all. Speak of the devil, a conver I had right before I took this quiz:

Moi: That's cool. I wish I knew more so I could appreciate some of the technical stuff on a higher level sometiems
Kin: Yeah. I wish I knew more from a music theory standpoint. Sounds dorky, I know but I want to be able to name chords I hear and stuff like that. One of the first days of school, they were testing the fire alarms and after they went off my band director was like, "Mm, that was about an F#."

Sorry, just started ranting. =P
Moi: lol

no, that IS cool. Besides, you're cooler than me--have you read the blog entry yet where I actually code a piece of a foo fighter's song into a C++ function? THAT'S dorky.

Except he said he'd do it if he knew C++, and greyduck says it's cool, so I'm feeling sliightly less dorky about it :P

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