Monday, September 16, 2002

My Sister's Wedding: The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly

Bad: It wasn't just a wedding, it was a 13 hour long extravaganza.

Good: For being 13 hours long, it was good.

Good: The wedding itself was pretty short.

Bad: I tripped on my dress on the step up to the platform.

Good: no other accidents.

Good: The wedding was so short that afterwards the wedding party ended up tooling around in our big-ass rented lincoln towncar half an hour in order not to show up early for the reception. That's where the LOTR conversation happened, and we also contemplated skipping the reception all together and just getting drunk in the walgreen's parking lot.

Bad: The ushers showed up late. And they were bad at ushing.

Bad: Photographer took a long time. The photographs were outside, and I think I have the West Nile Virus now, because some mosquito bit me 8 times in the same place on my arm and now I have the biggest rash looking bugbite thing ever.

Good: The flower girl shared her Scooby Snacks with me before the ceremony.

Ugly: The DJ started playing country and karaoking to it himself for several songs.

Good: Six year olds think I'm AWESOME now. I was kept busy dancing with them for quite some time.

Bad: I'm pretty sure my gut holder inner damaged some internal organs.

Ugly: Our cousin showed up with a shaved head and a four inch long goatee.

Good: The food was great.

Bad: Our grandma was sick, so she couldn't come to the wedding.

Good: Everything went pretty smoothly

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