Tuesday, September 10, 2002

me: I'm depressed
wanda: :-(
What's the matter??
me: Intro to Mass Com. "Yes, there's only about 700 new jobs in print media created every year. That's substantially below the increase in population." There's probably more than 700 mass com majors in ISU alone. "And as for broadcast, the number of jobs are actually decreasing. Not even relative to the population, actively decreasing." "Oh, and here's a sample question for your first test next week:

Papyrus was invented in ___, a substantial improvement over clay tablets.
A. 2500 BC
B. 3500 BC
C. 100 BC
D. 200 AD
me: What the fuck?
me: Why do I need to know when they invented papyrus?
me: I mean, he mentioned it, but I didnt' think he was serious.
me: And the whole stupid class is made up of stupid facts like that that we have to memorize by rote that we'll never ever use again
wanda: What'a twat.
me: Oh, and don't get me started on ACS
wanda: BTW, I think it was wither 3500 or 2500 BC - can't remember off the top of my head.
wanda: Ok... I won't!!
me: yea, it is one of those two
me: lol
me: poor kev--he asked me how I was and I totally listed, line item, every horrible thing that's happened to me lately :P
me: If it's any consolation when people start their degrees over here they find they're learning crap stuff they don't really need to know... the intro part ofthe course is always a load of bollocks.
me: yea...
me: Well, I knew it would be crap like "this is what the printing press did,' but I swear they give us the most useless facts. I thought I'd get useless concepts, at least
wanda: lol
wanda: Awww
wanda: Well I start my course on Monday, so we'll both be able to bitch about what crap we're being taught then!
me: AWESOME. You're an art major, right?

Yea, I think that'll be dumb too. I mean, who can tell you what art is?
wanda: Yep.
wanda: Lol, exactly. Hopefully they won't try to ;o)
wanda: Otherwise you'd hear me shouting fromthere
me: LOL. "Why, what is that noise?"

"I think it's Wanda, In England. They must be trying to teach her art."
me: Mass com sucks. We're all in it because it's our last-ditch effort not to become corporate automatons, to find something that we love but that can be applicable, something that we can make and be proud of, but we're all going to end up working at McDonalds, or going back to school and then becoming corporate automatons
wanda: You won't.

Oh, and let me tell you: I'll beg, cheat, steal, or borrow before I come back here again, so it's McDonald's for me. I appreciate Wanda's optimism, though.

Igraine and I talked about it too:
I: So, what do you think you'll end up doing?
Me: Working for McDonalds or something.
I: What about Mumbler? He's a mass com major too, right?
M: Yea. He'll probably end up flipping burgers with me. "So...are you going to take a nap after your shift?" It'd be the salt in my wound.
I: No, the salt in your wound would be if you ended up flipping burgers and he DID get a Mass Com job.
M: *laughs* D'oh. That would. That, or being the manager at my McDonald's. I'd have to quit and go over to Burger King.

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