Thursday, September 05, 2002

I've the weirdest music on my hard drive:

Talia: hmm want a song called Cat Fight?
Moi:, what's it about?
Talia: a cat fight :-P
Moi: Want an acoustic remake of Ice Ice Baby? :P
Moi: with cats or women
Talia: hmm naw I think I can live without it
Talia: women, it's a woman singing it so it's funny
Moi: awww :P

sure, why not?
Talia: hmm how about that song from the Mitsubishi comercials? hehe
Moi: roflmao... which one is that, I get car commercials confused
Talia: the song where they keep saying "days go by but still I think about you, days I couldn't live my life without you"
Talia: I'm a sad sad person, I've downloaded songs from American Idol :-P
Moi: LOL, you ARE
Talia: hey I like Kelly so :-P and I used to have a Dr Demento song called Dead Puppies you'd have liked, but don't have it anymore
Moi: I could send you a song with the chorus:

she goes above and beyond her call of duty
she is a slut but her ex thinks it's sexy
sex reminds her of eating spaghetti
I am wasted but I'm ready
Moi: I wouldn't know, i've not seen it

LOL, am I that sick:? :P
Talia: yup :-P butnot as sick as Archie who downloaded it hehe
Moi: cool :P
Moi: I have a punk version of "time after time"
Talia: hmm I think he has that one
Moi: a punk version of Popeye the Sailor man
Moi: the first 34 seconds of a punk beatles cover
Moi: a really bad greenday version of eye of the tiger, where the guy doesn't even know all the words
Talia: I have a Dr Demento making fun of Picard as he orders at Mc Donalds
Moi: two minutes of a weezer cover done by Bloodhound Gang where they add this whole part about Tupac Shakur
Talia: ther's an SCA one I gotta send you, about an elven prince that's good
Moi: k
Talia: I've got songs that were on Buffy :-P
Moi: tell me if anything I say catches your fancy
Moi: I don't watch buffy
Talia: me neither but their good songs
Moi: OH, have you heard "A Cloak of Elvenkind" by Marcy Playground? If you haven't, I SO have to send it to you
Moi: ah, cool
Moi: err, I mean Wu Tang Clan, not Tupac
Moi: I have Travis doing Hit Me Baby One More Time
Talia: all foriegn to me
Moi: wu tang, tupac= rappers
Moi: that one is really good
Moi: punk theme to the never ending story
Moi: Anyway, Travis is so hilarious, they do it so serious and you can tell the guy singing it wants to crack up
Moi: I have a horrible cover of Lithium by Matthew Sweet, where he keeps fumbling with chords and stops to talk about how horrible he is, and make lame jokes like, "I don't know if you've ever heard of this obscure band called Nirvana....."
Moi: as you can tell, I likes the covers
Talia: I can tell hehe
Moi: well, I like to d/l mostlly stuff I can't get on a cd.
Talia: ever heard of Flogging Molly?
Phoemeister: noooo :P

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