Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I think I might've put my foot in my mouth again at work today. I was alphabetizing some CD's before shelving today and talking to Kevin and Mulva while I was doing it. TII came over to tell us to get more work done and he was like, "shelve! shelve!"

The thing is: TII's a total hypocrite about this! I think he talks more than anyone else in the store. Seriously, nearly every subject becomes a long lecture with him. But he complains about other people talking all the time! So I was irritated that he basically dropped whatever he was doing to come over to yell at us. And I mean, I admit that I have had moments before where I've been pretending to do more than I am in order to stay in the vicinity of someone I'm having a conversation with, but this was not one of them. I was genuinely working.

So basically I was like, "Why don't you shelve?" without really thinking of how disrespectful that is to say to someone who is higher on the food chain than you. And it ended up being funny, but afterwards I was like, "Geez. I should NOT have said that." Open mouth. Insert foot.

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