Thursday, March 09, 2006

So my master plan to get all my coworkers together on monday is turning out to be an uphill battle. I wanted everyone to come, not just people I've hung out with before. But anyone who hasn't hung with me before doesn't say anything (and when I accost them about it they say they can't come), or else comes up to me and is like, "Uh, what's up with that note you left about everyone eating together on monday?" and I explain it to them, and then they say they can't come. Which really irritates me, because it gets my hopes up. If you aren't available that night, why would you even bother getting all the info on it from me?

Also a ton of people won't be nailed down on whether they're going or not. In some cases I understand (Mouse, for instance, is going to be in Ohio over the weekend and coming back on Monday), but in most of them it's like: how do you not know now what you are doing on Monday? Do you just mean you'll come to my thing unless someone else asks you do do something? Yes or no, damn you! It's not that hard!

However, I do have Optpri and Sista locked in so no matter what I won't be eating alone like a loser. Not that eating alone is bad, but when you're expecting people to show up it is crappy.

In other news: I HATE THE WORLD. I don't know why, but now and again I just get this kind of... I dunno, crappy feeling. Not totally depressed or anything, but just discontent and irritable. When I was in school I would always say, "I hate school" when I felt that way, and for awhile I have been saying "I hate work," but I realize that I actually don't hate work. So I figure "I hate the world" is a good thing to say when I'm feeling bleh.

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