Sunday, March 26, 2006

So I had this ginormous Dr. Pepper at work today. If people thought I was hyper before, well.... today I went nova.

Seriously, though, today kicked ass. Work went by so fast. Have I mentioned that I want the early shift to have my babies? Because I do. I actually accidently stayed past time to leave ten minutes on accident.

There've appeared a couple of cracks in my mom's facade of acceptingness of me moving out. Not big ones, like I don't think she's going to start some big thing, I can just tell she's worrying about it, because she just starts thinking up these random questions to ask about the place I want to move into. Basically, I don't know a huge ton of details, because I've only even visited once and at the time I wasn't like, "Oh gee, maybe I could live here someday," I was just over to watch a movie with Mouse. BUT, I trust Mouse enough to tell me if it was infested with rats or something, so I'm not that worried.

And I'm sure it's normal, especially with how nosy my parents are, to ask these questions, it's just that she like.... randomly started asking while my Dad and I were trying to watch a movie we rented (History of Violence, which by the way I don't think is all it's cracked up to be). If you can't wait until someone's done watching a movie to ask them something, it's definately a question that's gnawing at you.

I leave you with an illustration of my Dr. Pepper fuled hyperness:

Me: I'm finished.
Mouse: You're Finnish?
Me: Why yes, I actually am Finnish! Bork! Bork! Bork!

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