Thursday, March 30, 2006

So, I have not wanted to post this, considering so many people I know in real life know this page by now, but I can't keep it to myself any longer: my deoderant changed formulation and I think I'm allergic. My pits are itching like CRAZY. So if you see me, and I'm not madly scratching my armpits, I'm at least thinking about it.

This has happened before a long time ago, with Secret deoderant (by the way I had to make sure I capitalized that, because I didn't want you to think that I had some secret deoderant made of babies or something), which apparently proves I am not a woman, seeing as how it's specially formulated for them.

Anyway, I switched deoderants, and either I'm also allergic to the new one, or it takes a couple of days.

I saw Optpri today, she came over to watch the muppets with me on our broken DVD player. It turns out that all the Squid & Whale business (we rented that lately but couldn't make it work, but we could get other DVD's to work, so thought it was something to do with the DVD) was actually due to legit DVD player problems which re-reared their ugly head today. So we ended up talking, which was cool, but I am beginning to wonder if the Muppets are cursed. I mean, at first, we couldn't even get the DVD's out of the package, and a week ago we'd planned to do this and it turned out that the people she lived with had some emergency and she was left taking care of the animals (she lives on a farm, y'allz. Hardcore! She's seeing the farrier tomorrow!)

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