Thursday, March 09, 2006

So I went to see Minus Story with Optpri and Mouse last night. It was pretty good, though I can never totally get into concerts with music I don't know. It is easily in my top 2 concerts I've ever been to, though (top 1 is Ben Folds, of course, the other two I've been to were a christian concert I didn't know the band or really care, and Fuel & 3 Doors Down which I think we can all agree sucks). It was fun. I even had a beer. I think this week I've had more alcohol in the last year, because I totally had a margarita at a mexican place my parents took me to the other day. It's not that I don't lik ethe occaisonal drink, it's that if I'm driving I don't want to try it, and if my parents are driving I forget my ID and all these places still card me all the time.

In other news, there was this woman at the store the other day who bought a book called The Verbally Abusive Relationship. She wouldn't get the Rewards program when I pitched it. I swear to you, in my head, I was like, "Man, I wonder if I could get her to take it if I verbally abused her. TAKE IT, YOU FILTHY WHORE! YOU ARE WORTHLESS WITHOUT THIS PROGRAM, YOU MANGY HOOKER. STUPID BITCH, JUST TAKE IT! You know I know what's best for you. I only get so angry because I love you so much. All you have to do is stop giving it away to every man in town and think about the vast rewards you will get by signing up for this program." And I almost started laughing in her face.

Also: I hung around work off duty awhile. I went to the cafe and tried reading Cigar Afficianado. But anyway, I stood up and shouted across the room to Kevin, who was working in the cafe right then, "I'm reading Cigar Afficiando," and he kind of is like, "uh.... okay," and several people looked up, and I realized I look like some random person announcing to the people that work there that I am reading Cigar Afficiando.

Phoemeister: but it was pretty good
Phoemeister: I had my first beer
Sui: Uh ohs!
Sui: You have become a degenerate punk kid!
Sui: going to your rock music shows!
Sui: drinkin' the beer!

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