Saturday, March 04, 2006

So Optpri finally saw the ol' blog and told me. I bet her thought is, "I have one make out dream about Optimus Prime and I am labeled forever?" but actually she seemed to find it amusing. So that's good.

My sister and the 'phew visited today. It was pretty swell. It only confirmed to people what I have been telling everyone else all along: the 'phew is the cutest child ever born.

Kevin saw me waving goodbye to the 'phew. So when it came time to write up an evaluation for me (they have been writing up tons of extra evaluations since the rewards program started to make sure we're doing it right) he wrote: "Phoe - good job asking every customer at register about rewards and explaining details in a friendly manner. Friendly greetings, and waving goodbye to babies - next you'll be running for office. Keep up the good work!" It cracked me up.

And it gave me an idea -- maybe I should wave goodbye to all babies leaving the store. If they love me, then they'll love the store, and we'll have hooked them while they are young. The future generations shall be ours! muahahahha!

Then after work my parents and I ended up babysitting him, which was really awesome. Yelling out random noises and acting like you are about to have a seizure really seems to impress him. Since that's pretty much what I do every day, this is a winning combination. He even got on my lap and had me read stories to him. Then when my sister got home he ran back and forth between us, screaming and expecting to be caught. It was fun, I can't believe the little bugger didn't get tired faster. Of course, my parents did have him hopped up on ice cream. I guess now I know where I got my terrible eating habits. Anyway: when he is in a good mood, he is a fun little kid.

Good times.

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