So I started out my day with the first nightmare about the trip. The problem was, somehow I'd booked my return flight in March, which, obviously, would involve time travel to make. Understandbly: I was upset about this.
On top of that, for some reason, Mulva was driving me to the airport and he had the attention span of a lemur. He kept wanting to stop for stupid things like snacks and I'd get more and more infuriated and start yelling at him that we had to get to the airport, but at the end of my long tirade he'd be like, "Yeah, so I can't decide between ring-dings and ho-ho's" and I'd want to commit violence upon his person.
My day's been fairly decent otherwise, except for this lady who came to perform at the store. Just to let you know, we do let people play in our cafe, but I don't think there's any requirement on how good they have to be, because we have had some stinkers. But, this lady was the WORST. All my coworkers complained about her constantly, I had more than one customer complain about it... And on top of her being horrible, basically, she sang to recorded music..... so it was just weird, one person karaoke.
Jersey came over to me from the cafe, and said, "Why? Why would they do this to us? We're good people. I mean... we're good people, why would anyone do this to us? No one should have to hear this, and we're good people..."
Then HTS came over and said, "You know that scene from Animal House where Belushi walks down the stairs and breaks that hippie's guitar? I want to do that....."
" this woman's voicebox."
If he had carried out that plan, I probably would've actually hit that shit to reward him before he was sent to prison. As it was.... I had to listen to it for several more hours, no one went to prison, and all shit remained un-hit.
There was also a pretty bizarre teenage couple in. They were dressed like they had come from Prom, but what the hell were they doing at the store? Nickel overheard some of their conversation and said they were going to some other store after that, too. On the one hand, if it's actually their prom, they are losers. If they dressed up weird to go to the store and annoy Nickel and I: I applaud them, because it worked. It really did make me want to emulate them, though. I'm too old to fake going to the prom, but formalwear for no reason is still pretty weird. Maybe if I get my hands on a wedding dress? Either way I would probably need a guy friend to do it with me because it would be no fun and less believable alone, but I doubt I could persuade any guys I know to do this.
The best part was is the guy turned up one of the listening stations up really loud and started singing along to it (presumably singing to the girl?). It was shitty emo. Now coming from someone who likes shitty emo, you might find that hypocritical, but I will tell you this: 1) At least I have the grace to be ashamed of it. I admit it's shitty (most of it anyway), and would probably not go to a store and start singing it in public. At least not as earnestly as this kid. 2) I would definately not like a boyfriend to start singing shitty emo TO me. That is just sad.
He was still WAY better than the lady in the cafe though.
Oh, and I keep remembering more and more about my day: I saw the McDonald's Stalker again today. It was the first time since the conver we had awhile ago that I went there, and sure enough: he was there, trying to make awkward small talk with me while I was waiting for my burger. I still will probably keep going there anyway. If Mcdonald's grossly abusive practices did not keep me away from their cheap, incredibly fast food, there's no way McDonalds Stalker will.
I got to listen to Stadium Arcadium after close while I alphabetized things tonight. I realize now that this is the best way to break in new music because I can't skip back to the few songs I've already warmed up to. It's also easy enough to do that I can keep my mind free to listen to the songs, but enough to do that my mind doesn't completely wander (which it sadly does, I'll find out I missed whole songs when I'm listening to stuff lately because I could'nt make myself not slip into reverie. I'm wondering if my ADD is getting worse and I'll never be able to suitably enjoy music ever again). Damn, preliminarily: that is a great CD.
Also, I made Retard Books this comic a huge long time ago but never put it up, so read and enjoy. It's about an incident Sista actually had with a customer. The weird mouth on the one stick figure is an attempted likeness of the emulation of the weird face the customer made. Enjoy.
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