Saturday, May 06, 2006

There is more and more to love about the upcoming months!

Which is good, because frankly I had begun to dread them. So far, things making me feel icky are: right now, having to teach things to the new supervisor that has the job I wanted in the first place, doing more and more registers, having less and less early shifts, and a boatload of my friends moving.

BUT: good things: in July, I get to move out! I am going to get a loft and a new computer and live within walking/carpooling distance of Optpri! And in June, I am visiting Ryan in fabulous Las Vegas! It will be my first time seeing someone I talk to for like four hours every day for years now! I am so excited! And he's going to visit me in August!

Bad: I'm not sure how I'm going to either break this (that I am going somewhere to meet a friend I met on the frightening interweb, and he's a BOY, too!) to my parents or successfully lie about it so that I don't have to.

Lies I have thought of: telling them I'm going with a friend. I am thinking my high school friend would be most ideal for this, as my parents never see her around and/or don't really know whether she would have vacation time to do this or not. Something that would make her less ideal: I don't think I could get her to lie for me, so I'd have to not tell her I was using her in my lie, thus making things awkward if my parents get in a situation where they could bring it up with her.

Other friends: bad idea. Carmax has a husband, so it'd probably be weird to them if she went on a vacation with me. Also, she just started her job and probably would not have vacation yet. And my parents KNOW this, because they are nosy. All other friends work at the store, which my parents occaisionally shop at and would, with my luck, no doubt see the friend I was supposedly with at the store while they were supposedly gone on vacation with me.

Telling the truth..... frightening.

Sui: now if you can just convince your parents ; P
Phoemeister: yeah, well I'm going to have to make upsomething
Sui: haha "I disappeared in vegas for a week.. it was.. ALIENS"
Phoemeister: even if they find out when I get back, it's like, well, they can't do anything to stop it. And I'll be movingout in less than a month after that anyway
Phoemeister: "they MADE meblow all my money on the crapstable
Sui: it's true
Sui: what do you think you'll tell them?
Phoemeister: that I'm going with a friend
Sui: They'll see through that lie right away
Suibrom: "You have no friends!"
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: I do too!
Phoemeister: Plus, tthat would make Las Vegas as a destination more believable, because they know I'd never go to vegas on my own steam. I am not a gambler or partier
Sui: This is true
Sui: Have you thought about telling the truth?
Phoemeister: Do you think I should?
Sui: And I don't know, I was just curious if you'd thought about telling them
Phoemeister: I don't know. If I explained to them I have known you for years now, and we talk every day, I could see a slight possiblity they'd go for it. But thething is, if they didn't go for it, there'd be no way to take it back. Also, even if you weren't fromthe internet, I think my parents would have a hard time with me staying a week at a guy's house
Sui: Hm that's probably true
Sui: but really, what can they do?
Sui: You have friends that could drive you to the airport
Sui: and they can't really threaten to kick you out
Phoemeister: My mom can make every second until I move out miserable
Phoemeister: I would like to tell the truth, though
Phoemeister: Man, I wish I knew someone who knows my parents I could talk to this about. But my sister is such a snitch. If I did end up going the lying route, talking to her would be screwing myself.
Sui: hm yeah that would suck
Suibrom: there's no way you could trust your sister?
Phoemeister: I dunno. Maybe I could. But I'd feel kind of crappy putting her in a position likek that
Phoemeister: where she knew I was lying to my parents and had to keep that info from them

So.... if you have any ideas on how I could make a good lie or suitably spin the truth/feel out my parents, let me know. I need to know!

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