Saturday, May 20, 2006

So.... Phoe from Elsewhere put up the rest of that poo conver here, if anyone's interested. It involves us starting a gang of superheros called the Super Poos, and making it into a religon as well.

In other news: finally told the parents about Vegas. It went a lot better than I thought, they were pretty much like, "Yeah, you're 24 we can't stop you, but just remember that he is probably 50 years old and a serial killer."

It made me sad because I want the guy who murders me and sells my body parts on ebay to be young.

I am afraid, however, that my mom will pick away at it like she has been the appartement situation.


The downswing of the telling of the truth: I'm wondering if they have the url to my blog, because my mom kind of mentioned that she knew what I had done in england (i.e. added a day or two to the trip so I could see my friend Wanda, an internet friend who also turned out not to be a 50 year old stalker, thank you very much).

This is probably the only major lie I have ever told, and I had actually thought I did a pretty good job at it. Also, I thought if they knew, they would've confronted me about it before then. My mom, especially, I would think something like that would gnaw away at her so bad she'd have exploded by now.

Anyway, I'm thinking of moving the blog. It's not like I have a ton of secrets, but privacy IS nice, and I don't exactly love the thought of them reading all my discussions on raping crack whores.

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