Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So I wanted to punch a customer in the face today. I throw around the phrase "I want to punch ____ in the face" quite a bit, but I really mean it this time. Basically, she couldn't really understand what I was saying. Which.... doesn't really make me mad. We get enough foriegners/mentally disabled/people who should get a hearing aid, that repeating myself has pretty much become par for the course.

But basically at the end she was like, "You're voice is weird!"

and I say "I'm sorry," because I really don't know what else to say.

and then she's like, "Your voice is very nasal!"

and I said I was sorry again, when what I really wanted to do is reach over the counter and garrote her with some piano wire.

When I mentioned this to Mouse he said I should've acted all exaggeratedly surprised, like I hadn't known it was nasal and she did me a huge favor. Seriously, though, lady: I didn't need that help. The kids at my grade school (not to mention Jr. High and High School) made it abundantly clear that I have an annoying voice. You still need a fucking hearing aid, whether or not I'm the most nasal damn person on the planet.

Mouse's second suggestion was that I just should've screamed "You're a CUNT! Understand THAT!?!?" at her.

Oh well. The customer behind her was extra nice to me. AND understood me even though he was a foriegner!

In other news: Double Dizzle's last day was yesterday and I didn't even know! It makes me sad, I didn't get to say goodbye. I thought I'd get at least one last zoo off.

I'm curious about seeing if I could get his job (and make the move to IPT that I ended up not doing last time), or if they're going to look for another part-timer. Or if they'll even hire anyone to replace him at all because of the hours-reduction crusade they've been on since the new cafe opened.

Otherwise my day was pretty much as usual. I got to hang out with my 'phew for awhile, which was pretty cool. He is still the cutest.

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