Tuesday, April 15, 2003

gah... a whole long post deleted because I started trying to clean the keys on my keyboard mid-post using a sophisticated technique I call "scratching the crud off of them with my fingernails." Fear not, I have no life and will retype.

I got back my H & S paper tonight. I swear on all things good and holy that the comment on the top of the paper was, "This paper is great, but what did you write?" How insulting does that sound? Is it accusing me of plagiarism? What's going on there?

Anyway, I asked him about it in class, much to the merriment of my classmates. I swear, I score more funny points off of that professor than anyone alive, with the possible exception of Mumbler. Anyway, he told me it was because I had so many citations in it. I told him I was from the "English Class" school of citation, where you cite everything you even remotely, possibly used. Which, I did have to use a lot because it's not as if I knew anything about Quantum Computing (paper topic) on my own before this. Anyway, he must not've minded too much, because I got an A. Which should bump me up to a C in the class, which then I won't have to take it over again, which makes me very, very happy.

Speaking of strange people (hey, I was talking about the weird prof at one point in my pointless babble), the one black chick who said I need my own show came up to me in the hallway out of nowhere yesterday.

BCWSINMOS: What's your name?
Me: huh?
BCWSINMOS: I asked what your name was.
Me: Uh... Phoe (okay, I gave her my real name, but I've decided to stop posting it on this site)
BCWSINMOS: Cool. I just wanted to know, because I saw you in the hall and I was like, "I don't think I know her name."
Me: errr... alright...
BCWSINMOS: I'm serious about you needing your own show
Me: uh... thanks
BCWSINMOS: No, really I am. I should propose it to NBC.
Me: Err... alright. I have to go now. Bye.

So.... if you see a sitcom come on someday that somewhat resembles this blog, notify me so I can sue her for royalties money.

I also have some quotes from Home Movies I wanted to jot down. A lot of them are kind of hastily paraphrased because I had to try to get them down quick.

Brendan: Fate is a cruel snake with bitter herbs and spices

Brendan: We shall have to continue this fight without weapons
Jason: a battle of wits?
Brendan: no......jazz!
*jazz scatting battle ensues*

Brendan: it's horrible
Melissa: I think it's alternative
Jason: it's an alternative to good

Brendan: I don't think I can go to cancun
Coach McGuirk: We're on friendly terms with mexico, brendan
Brendan: but..
Coach McGuirk: They let us in. They let us in the country.
Brendan: I don't think my mom will let me go to mexico with my soccer coach

Oh, and for anyone who's like, "What the hell is this "Home Movies" she keeps blathering on about?" there's a clip of it here

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