Wednesday, April 16, 2003

More hastily pharaphrased home movies quotes. (A lot of Coach McGuirk's comments on this episode had to do with him thinking Brendan has a drug problem)

Brendan's Mom: Oatmeal contains oatmeal!

Brendan: Yeah! I have not brushed my teeth in four months

Brendan: I have to have a talk with Jason. A long talk. Which will be hard, because he's got a short attention span

Coach McGuirk: Denial is the first sign of your problem
Brendan: Denial is a sign I don't have a problem. I don't have a problem, so I'm denying it.
Coach McGuirk: you can't fool me with your logic!

Brendan: *points at styrofoam cup in Coach McGuirk's hand* you want me to pee in that? right here, right now?
Coach McGuirk: no, I'm going to finish my coffee first

Brendan's Mom: I'm not comfortable with embellishing like that
Melissa's Dad: well, then just lie

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