Monday, April 14, 2003

I love English people:

Phoemeister: but.... yeah, I'd say I'm alright :P
Phoemeister: except for the usual stomach problems, and dropping out of one of my ACS courses and having to take it again sometime
Wanda: You'll still have to take it again??
Wanda: Why?
Phoemeister: because I have to get a C in it to graduate
Phoemeister: it's a required course
Phoemeister: (for my minor. Which I don't want to change, because I want to graduate already)
Wanda: Can't you change your minor?
Wanda: Ah, I see.
Wanda: Well arses.
Phoemeister: yeah :P
Phoemeister: That's pretty much how I felt

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