Thursday, April 24, 2003

Phoemeister: a bit AAAH feeling, because I still haven't been allowed to register for some ACS classes I absolutely need next semester
Wanda: How come you haven't been allowed to yet?
Wanda: (to register)
Phoemeister: I don't know. I scheduled an appointment with my advisor today so I can find out
Wanda: What, have you been to register and they just won't let you? Or is everyone else having this problem too?
Phoemeister: and if they're like, "it's cos you're flunking 169 (the class I'm not taking anymore but still shows up on my transcripts) I'm going to be like "It's fucking webdesign and multimedia aps. Wjhat the hell does C++ have to do with it? I WANT TO GRADUATE! GRRR!"
Phoemeister: They put you on a waiting list for classes (ACS does, com doesn't make me do this. ACS is stupid bastards) and then notify you when you can sign up. Well, next week is the last week before finals, and I pretty well need to be registered by then.
Wanda: Eeeejits.
Wanda: And I hope you do actually go "grrr"
Phoemeister: Yeah. I just thought of it now. I was like, "and if yelling doesn't work, i want to growl like an animal."

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