Sunday, April 06, 2003

Roflmao. I found this post on Perv Blog. "'er" is in reference to me:

"I'd do 'er. No, really, I mean it and now she knows that I read her blog and she'll think I'm a perv and she'll hate me and call me names and tell all her friends that I'm a perv and a big loser and mock me and make me feel like a big perv loser so I think about killing myself and they'll all say, "Oh good, let the big perv loser kill himself" and she'll say, "Yeah, it's what the big perv loser deserves anyway." and then I'll have to buy a gun and stuff only I'm also a chickenshit so I'll just end up wasting hundreds of dollars on a gun I'll never use and then she'll KNOW that I'm a big perv loser and she and her friends will mock me some more until I think about killing myself, only I won't have the guts to do it AGAIN so they'll just keep making fun of me and I'll feel really small and worthless and my whole life will be ruined all because of this stupid blog.

I'd still do 'er, though."

I love it. Once I find out who this guy is in real life, I won't have to pay for sex anymore :P

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