Sunday, January 15, 2006

FACT: It is ok for a gangsta to wear sandals. I learned that from Common today.

Anyway, today was the best day ever. The early shift RULES. It's not that I don't like customers, I mean, I have some great conversations with them sometimes (yesterday I discussed with this customer our mutual dream of someday being on Antiques Roadshow), but man--it is way easier to get stuff done without them around.

I DID have a customer do something pretty weird today, though: this lady totally asked me for help while I was in the bathroom. Thankfully I was actually done doing things, and washing my hands afterwards, but it was still decidedly odd.

I also schooled Mulva and The Enforcer* in the fine art of merchandising, something they'd never learnt because they were hired during the holidays and too busy doing other stuff to be taught that. I think I actually did pretty well at it. I myself did my first book merch ever, which turned out not as hard as I thought it might be, though I really did get the urge to sing "Paperback Writer" as I was carrying around the mass market paperback books. AND: a whole ton of mass market paperbacks: a lot harder to carry without dropping than you might think. They are slippery as eels.

Right before I left for the day, my sister, brother-in-law, and the 'phew came by to visit me, and actually made it this time. The funny thing: he apparently said my name all through the car ride over there, and when he got there: nothing. They couldn't get him to say my name for anything. Then, I walked away to do something, and he was like, running through the store shouting my name, and then I came back, and they couldn't get him to do it again. It was also hilarious because he'd get this smile on his face like, "Oh, I know perfectly well what you want me to say, but I'm not doing it." The latter half of this episode happened in front of Sista, Mouse, and Boss-Boss, who all agree with me now that the 'phew is super cute.

I have several more days of early shifts! I'm going to the film par-tay tonight! I have heard serious rumors that cheese sticks have been purchased on my behalf. This just might be the best day, no, best WEEK ever.
* I'm calling this one lady the Enforcer now, because she seems pretty nice and easygoing, but today she was all telling me how at her regular job, she bosses around all these burly contractor men all day. And I said she could join Mouse & I's gang as an enforcer.

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