Sunday, January 01, 2006

Guess what I was doing when it hit 12:00? Peeing. So I guess you could say I christened the new year.... WITH MY PEE.

Anyway: I had a fairly decent time for someone with no particular plans. I watched movies and listened to music all day, and spent some time with the 'phew (him and my parents and I went out to dinner). Speaking of which: he just gets awesomer and awesomer. And is SO cute. Strangers fawn on him, which is slightly scary, but still you feel flattered, like they're complimenting your gene pool.

Anyway, I think I taught him a word! I was trying to teach him my name, but I don't think he got it. Then, after awhile, I thought it would be hilarious to teach him to call me "lady," but that didn't stick very well either. I did, however, teach him the word "people," I think. Because he kept staring at this group of people at the other table so I was like, "People! PE-OPLE! People!" I bet they got tired of it, but anyway, by the end of dinner he was pointing at them and saying something with a passing resemblence to "people." I'm just not sure if he gets the all inclusive principle of people, or if he just thought those people were the only people who got the label "people." Anyways.

Oh, also I'm a total jerk when I'm trying to teach him words, I think my mom was getting irritated. Because I'm like, "People! People! Pizza! Table! Napkin" and then I just throw something really random or hard in with the same goofy inflection because I think it's funny. "Peo-ple! Peo-ple en-joy-ing their din-ner!" "Nos-tal-gic wall hang-ings!" "a-ccord-i-an!" Also, she got mad at me for confusing him (which I don't think he was because he didn't care about either name for me, only what the people in the next booth over were doing) by switching off between calling myself my name and "lady."

Good times.

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