Monday, January 09, 2006

Phoemeister: what's up in the last few minutes since we left the store? :p
prommhair: ummm nothing i drove TII home and now i am home
Phoemeister: How was that car ride?
Sista: it was okay
Phoemeister: I find that hilarious for some reason
Phoemeister: Though I shouldn't talk, on no less than two separate occaisions TII and I have done crossword puzzles together
Sista: apparently he lives super close to me
Phoemeister: That's a little scary
Phoemeister: someday he's just going to call you up and see if you want to see star wars at his place
Phoemeister: "Yo, you only have to walk a block!"
Sista: Yo? would he say Yo?
Phoemeister: Man, you got me
Phoemeister: He'd say like, "You only have to walk a block, and you know I can only be ten places at once."
Phoemeister: uh oh
Phoemeister: you just went silent
Phoemeister: he must be right there with you :P
Sista: Phoe please
Phoemeister: Aww, you have no sense of humor :P
Sista: it just disturbs me to think of TII closer to me than he already is

Phoemeister: I fell in love with this customer wearing a pink scarf today
Sista: I saw him and i fell in love with him too
Phoemeister: Wasn't he awesome?
Phoemeister: He totally applied to work at the store
Phoemeister: I hope he gets hired if we're hiring
Sista: boss-boss needs to hire him
Sista: we are for the cafe
Phoemeister: Oooh. Well I hope he gets hired then. Though actually he said he was looking to get OUT of food service.
Phoemeister: Anyway, he says he works at ________ now. We should just casually come down there to stalk him.
Sista: we will
Phoemeister: Are you serious? Because if you are, I'm totally in.

In other news: I narrowly avoided being late to work today. Why on earth do we have a clock around the house that is 8 minutes late, I ask? I suppose the one good thing about living in the ass end of nowhere is that I can make up a lot of time by recklessly speeding down country roads, because I ended up pretty much on time.

In other other news: I went to Best Buy today for the first time since I got my gift card for there. I've been thinking about what to do with the gift card for awhile, since Best Buy has long been the center of my nerdy world, and getting a gift card that big for there almost made me wet myself when I got it. I ended up getting Everclear's Sparkle & Fade. Yeah--despite loving them for so long, I've never actually owned any of their albums, I just have tapes I recorded off of my sister. I have several albums of hers I've been meaning to buy on CD, and this was the only one they had. I also thought of getting the Star Wars trilogy, because it's normally like, 50 something bucks, but it was on for $37. But the thing is--even though I'm a huge nerd and love star wars, I have seen them about a thousand times, I don't know how much I'd watch it if I actually owned it.

I was also thinking of getting a little flash memory drive, since I'm always afraid my crappy computer will just spontaneously delete everything before I can afford a decent computer, and I have no CD burner. But--that's like a very not-fun thing to buy with a gift card. I'd back up stuff and then the stupid thing would sit around until I could buy a better computer. And it's not as if I couldn't afford a computer now, its that my parents would be all annoying about it, since I already have a computer. So really what I mean by "when I can afford a better computer" is "when I can afford a place of my own," which I have no idea when that will even be.

For awhile I was thinking of getting a condo, because I don't want to live in an appartment and throw my money away every month, which is probably why I've waited to move out so long. But today I was talking to a friend about how much I hate living in this town, and they were like, "Fuck! Move! You work retail! You could do that anywhere!" So now I have THAT to mull over, I don't exactly want to buy a condo and then move. And also: I don't want to move, and then not be able to afford a condo there, or to even live, as anyplace I'd consider would probably be bigger than here and thus have a more expensive cost of living and retail isn't known for it's making me richness. AND I make less at it than like, everyone else at the store, because I recently learned my poor negotiating skills (I was desperate to get a job) got me a shitty deal when I first was hired.

So... um, that's how I go from buying a CD at Best Buy to considering moving somewhere, and then resentment at making less than everyone else where I work.

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