Thursday, January 26, 2006

So, today Double Dizzle and I had an awesome conver. Keep in mind he is not British, and I only met him a few months ago when I started this job:

Double Dizzle: That's the song I was telling you about! *referring to music being piped in over speakers*
Me: Eh?
Double Dizzle: I was telling you! Don't you remember?
DD: At that picnic we had!
Me: What?
DD: You made the grilled cheese!
Me: Oh yeah, that was great grilled cheese. I remember.
DD: It was a long time ago.
Me: Yeah, I think we were in high school.
DD: No, no, no. You were in high school, but I was on holiday from university.
Me: Oh yeah! I remember. You were British. And you had that British family. And the house in Britain. But you lost it when the dot com bubble burst.
DD: Yeah. I lost the horse too. It died.
Me: Not Billy!?!
DD: No, not Billy. The other one.
Me: Spot?
DD: No, no, no. Stewart.
Me: Stewart? He was the healthiest one!
DD: No he wasn't! He had cancer (he pronounced it "canker" which cracked me up). It was benign.
Me: Benign wouldn't kill him.
DD: I know. He died because I shot him.

In other news, the customers today were awesome. I bonded with this woman who had a gigantic keychain by showing her my gigantic keychain (an oversized novelty penny). I really impressed the socks off of these nerdy D & D guys by slipping in a reference to drow in a casual conversation.

There was also this guy, he wanted to buy something but didn't know if he could afford it with tax, so he had me ring it up.

Me: Stupid tax! Damn the man, always trying to hold us down!
Him: Yeah. 8% of my purchase price? More like 8% of my life!
Me: *laughs* That's great. I'm totally going to steal that joke and pass it off as my own.
Him: That joke is going to sweep the nation.
Me: Yeah, and you're going to be all, "I started that joke!" but no one will believe you.
Him: I'm going to be really bitter about it.

And Sista walked up during this conversation, and after he left she was like, "You were flirting with him!" and I totally had to admit that I was. Come back, 8% of my life joke man. I want you to have my babies.

Last night was awesome too. Sista and I went to Target and she got some ginormous Jackie O. style sunglasses, and I bought a ginormous umbrella. But see, I really do love big umbrellas. I'm not just making this up, it's a thing I have. I don't even know why. So now I finally have one. True story.

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