Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Phoemeister: I'm just making that up, actually. I have no idea what Jude Law's birthday is.
Phoemeister: I've been doing that a lot lately
Phoemeister: today when a customer's purchase rang up $18.77 I told them 1877 was the year of the Whiskey Rebellion, even though I'm fairly sure that the Whiskey Rebellion was decades earlier
Mulva: lol what?!
Mulva: the whiskey rebellion?
Mulva: wtf
Mulva: i have never heard of that
Phoemeister: and another customer whose price rang up to 18 something, I told them that was the year the constitution was ratified. Even though I'm pretty sure the year her thing rang up as was sometime during the civil war
Phoemeister: PEOPLE NEVER CALL ME ON IT. I just have to make sure TII's not around
Phoemeister: the Whiskey Rebellion was shortly after the revolutionary wqar
Phoemeister: these people got pissed off that we were taxing whiskey, and were like, "Hell, we're just going to start another revolutionary war and never have to pay taxes again"
Mulva: I find this hilarious
Phoemeister: but the government was like, "No." and put it down
Phoemeister: I do too.
Phoemeister: I still love that the one person didn't realize the constitution was not ratified in 1865
Mulva: haha wow
Phoemeister: I can see not knowing when the whiskey rebellion was though
Mulva: haha maybe they were just humoring you
Phoemeister: no way
Phoemeister: I see it in their eyes how they want to believe me
Phoemeister: and that the next day they're going to bring it up around their friends somehow to make themselves look smart
Mulva: lol
Phoemeister: one day one of these people is going to get on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire
Phoemeister: and they're going to lose because they took history advice from a cashier
Phoemeister: I keep hoping someone's price will ring up as a year I actually know something happened.
Phoemeister: But then I'd be limited to 1066, 1492, 1776 and 1969
Phoemeister: because those are the only years things happen that I have memorized
Phoemeister: (battle of hastings, when columbus sailed the ocean blue, the signing of the declaration of independance, and when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon)

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