Friday, January 06, 2006

So... re: strange people from high school turning up: there was another one today, though actually he apparently is a regular at the store. I honestly don't know whether I should greet these people or pretend I don't know them. Because I all was like "hey!" to this one guy awhile ago, and I could tell he was freaked out I remembered him, and then a couple times I've had these people that in light of the guy who acted freaked out, I didn't really act like I knew them, and they remembered me and were all, "hey!" and I wasn't freaked out. So I guess I'm back to ambushing them with hey's. So I did it to this guy.

He was like, "Oh, yeah, I think I remember you from orchestra." Which, I was never in orchestra. But... at least he made an effort. And from what I remember of him, he was heavily into drugs, so maybe he genuinely does remember me from some non existant orchestra class, perhaps taught by a large anthromorphic giraffe, or kool-aid man? Anyway, I tip my hat to this guy for not pitying me like the guy from yesterday. I also have to say it's hilarious what you remember, because the pity guy from yesterday, I knew pretty well back in the day and couldn't (and still can't) remember his name for the life of me. Whereas I barely knew non pity guy from today, and I totally remembered his name. Anyway.

Other stuff: Today was pretty good to start. Mouse brought in delicious brownies! Everyone kept jokingly accusing him of putting drugs in them, though, and I think it irritated him after awhile. And he actually came out with us when Carmax and I had dinner tonight, which was fun. After that, Carmax and I swung back to the store to hang out with Sista during her break, only it kind of sucked. I hate hanging out in the store when I'm not on duty. It makes me feel icky. Plus, Sista ended up eating in the back where we couldn't go, and then Carmax got on her cellular phone to talk to her mom.... on the bright side, she let me talk to her mom for awhile, and it was pretty funny. Her mom's cool, I can't really imagine my mom having the same sort of bizarre conversation with one of my friends.

Anyway, that's about it. I guess I'm glad I got some social time in. I don't really have anything planned this weekend, and I have it all off, and seeing that much empty time loom before me is kind of depressing. I'm like, the only person in the universe who complains about having a whole weekend off, probably.

I leave you with part of a conver I want to save for posterity, and/or save for proof in a sexual harassment deposition.

Me: I just wanted to know, because Mouse said not to touch his CD's.
Mouse: Yeah. Cd's. See dees nuts?
Me: Err...
Mouse: I'm sorry, I think I sexually harassed you just now.
Me: Yeah, I think you did. It's okay, though.

The thing is, most people who make stupid puns, I think are idiots, but Mouse's delivery is perfect, he makes me laugh so hard I hurt every time he says something like that.

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