Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just to let those of you who are my coworkers that read this know: today I put one of the clipboards down my pants, and NONE OF YOU KNOW WHICH ONE IT IS.

Seriously, though: the morning shift became fun again today since I got a reprieve yesterday. Before that, I totally wanted to die from lack of sleep. Friday I alpha'd all day, which is pretty painful, but I actually kind of liked it because it meant I would not have to interact with any human beings in my tired state. When I'm really tired, I'm psychotic. I can't even think rationally and I flip out at the slightest thing.

Also, today I made a little Employee of the Month award for TII today, and I think it's one of my best (Okay, I've only made two others, one for Double Dizzle that was pretty much a snowflake I cut out, and one for Mouse where I list out bizarre reasons why he won the award). Anyway, people liked the one I made for Mouse so much that I continued in that vein, which I know will have TII mock-outraged but he'll secretly love it.

First off, I made it pink, because one day I said he was my peep and he said, "like those yellow things?" and I quipped back ever so cleverly, "No, you're one of the pink ones." Second off, I managed to work in a Monkey Island reference (I said that he used to wrestle in mexico under the psuedonym "El Pollo Diablo.") I also managed a Star Trek reference (I said that he bleeds green like a Vulcan). So hopefully it's nerdy enough. I am also sure he will be confused and frightened by "giggles when you push his tummy." Basically, it's the best one I've done yet, which I've already said but you need to know!

also, new KS

Oh, also, I forgot, there was another conver I wanted to post from the day I posted all those convers that made me laugh:

Me: Hardee's is horrible.
No Pulp: It's actually better than it was. It's changed a lot.
Me: Yeah, I know, they have all those disgusting huge hamburgers and stuff now.
NP: It's not so bad if you go in there and get the smallest one they have.
Me: Don't you ever feel emasculated going into Hardee's and getting their smallest burger?
NP: I do now.

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