Monday, January 02, 2006

Well I heard about the job: and I didn't get it. Elaine went over with me all the things I need work on to be considered supervisor material, and I can kind of see what she means. I think my main ones are: telling jokes that may offend customers, talking too much to coworkers when I should be paying more attention to customers, and lack of initiative.

I agree with the first two, but the last one irritated me. Do you know why I lack initiative? No two managers at that store can never agree on how to do anything, so I have to ask whichever one's around what they want me to do or else later I'm doing the wrong thing and someone's irritated. Case in point: tonight, I thought I would show initiative since they pointed out to me my lack of initiative, so instead of asking me what they wanted me to alphabetize, I looked up where the last person left off and started alphabetizing. So of course Kevin comes up and is like, "Uh, yeah, I wanted you to alphabetize *random other area*" And it's not like Kevin was a jerk about it or anything, but if I had lacked initiative I could've saved us both some time.

Anyway, it's kind of a relief, but a little sad. I guess they're going to hire from outside then? Also while I was back there I quizzed Elaine on whether or not I'm on boss-boss's list o' people to immediately fire, and it seems like I'm not, so I can breathe a little easier.

In other news: I've started to put up employee of the month things for people, since 1) I thought it was awesome when Carmax did the one for me and 2) I didn't want to be the only one up there with this flashy employee of the month thing. Last month was someone I didn't know very well so I did this kind of snowflakey thing. This month, though, it was Mouse, so I put up a list of goofy reasons why he is employee of the month, including he likes to "keep it real," and "cried the first time he saw titanic." I wanted to include "respect, bitches!" because he loves to say bitches, but I figured that would not go down too well with management.

Lastly, I have to say I'm relieved that TII is getting less scary once again. Today we ended up doing a crossword puzzle together over break and it was hilarious. It is SO TII to just hijack your crossword puzzle and know all the historical things but not what the big song from Fame is and then to laugh at when you reveal that your main knowledge concerning voodoo comes from The Secret of Monkey Island. Good times.

Wait, that wasn't lastly, I wanted to add in a bit where I mention how my car's been pissing me off lately. Which it has. 1) my car stereo eats tapes. So far my adaptor that I can play my CD player in the tape deck has not been eating, but the stupid HARRY MULLEN JR has been trying to eat the adaptor lately. The adaptor is still fine, but I listen to like, 30 seconds of music, and then ten seconds of the car trying to eat the adaptor, then 20 seconds of music, then... well, you get the point. 2) My car, instead of binging if you leave the lights on, turns the lights off automatically. So I never turn the lights off. But now, lately, the stupid thing won't turn off every once in awhile so I look like a moron for always leaving my lights on. Gah.

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