Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So, there's two snowmen on a snowy plain. One says to the other: "Do you smell carrots?"

Work today was pretty good, even though I was tired because I had trouble getting to sleep last night, and then had to get up so early. I also have to say: I'm beginning to love the inventory team more and more lately. They're kind of a clique unto themselves, but I'm beginning to be less intimidated. Today and yesterday Double Dizzle* has been cracking me up. First off, he's taught me how to fight back. Basically, this entails saying, "You know what? Fuck you!" to people when I can't come up with a comeback. I think this is going to be my new phrase. It'll probably wear on many people's nerves but you know what? Fuck you!

Also, he kind of reminds me of Ryan.

Phoemeister: oh, I forgot to mention to you today I was talking to this guy at work, and he said something so much lik eyou that I wanted to be like, "Ryan?"
Phoemeister: basically we were talking about this really old bitchy woman we used to work with
Phoemeister: and just out of nowhere he's like, "I think sleeping with her was a mistake"
Sui: hahah
Sui: brilliant
Phoemeister: and then he said something like, "the alcohol affected our judgement." And I said that he would have to be reeeally drunk, and he said, "No not really. If I wasn't married, I totally WOULD do it just so that the next day I could come in and embarass her and be all, "I tapped that!""
Phoemeister: good times
Sui: I would say something like that
Phoemeister: you would! That's why I told you.

Phoemeister: You know how annoying it is when people say literally when they don't mean something literally?
Sui: yeah
Phoemeister: I've decided I'm going to do the opposite and start saying literally in sentences where there's no possible interpretation BUT the literal interpretation
Phoemeister: I literally live with my parents!
Phoemeister: I'm literally 5'6"
Sui: hahah
Sui: nice
Phoemeister: yeah
Suibrom: I am literally sitting here talking to you
Phoemeister: OH MY GOD, I'm literally doing the exact same thing!
* I just love making up asinine nicknames for people on my blog.

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