Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I hate you so very much ISU.

1) You freaking make me change my password for my ID that I use everywhere ALL THE DAMN TIME. And this time, neither my old password nor my new password seem to work, so I am SCREWED.

2) The only freaking person at the whole university who knows what the hell the Arts Technology Program (a prospective major for me) is, is booked up until next thursday. I have to register for my classes this monday. And so I'm basically thinking I'm locked into mass com now because you can't get them to help you if you can't get an appointment, and no one's going to give me an appointment in the ATP, so I doubt anyone else would. If I take another semester of Mass Com classes, there will be no way to get away from it.

3) Or maybe I'm the stupid one, for that last one, for holding off dealing with this for so long instead of callijng them back when they had plenty of spots.

I want to cry. Hell, I did cry earlier. I want to cry again.

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