Tuesday, October 08, 2002

I love my new carpet, it's SO kickass! My parents got it for me at Lowe's or something, and it rocks my world.

It's got about a million colors in it, and it goes with anything (good because the rest of my decor is....ecclectic, to say the least). Anyway, what rocks my world is that since it's brand new, it's clean. I've not had a clean dorm carpet or floor since I started here. The whole room smells like new carpet scent! I can put things on the floor without being afraid they'll carry some strange disease next time I pick them up. I can even lay on it.

Which I did, in the fetal position, after Sib came by to pick up her stuff yesterday. She didn't say a single word to me. Just looked at me, like I was some sort of puss or something.

Stop! Stop dwelling on it. And your horrible major. And that guys don't like you. Just stop. Be happy for once.

My carpet ROCKS. Oh, and my new coat rocks too. It's all furry on the inside. Sometimes I feel like a pimp when I wear it. Especially when I put it on inside out (for the express purpose of trying to look pimply). Then I do my pimp walk (which just looks like I'm about to trip and keep catching myself).

Thanks, capitalism! Dwelling on my material goods has made me feel (slightly) better today.

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