Sunday, October 06, 2002

*sigh* When Sib left she left some things behind, so I think next week I'm going to have to see her in order to give them back.

I really don't want to have to see her. I mean, if there was anyway to patch things up between us, I would, but Sib is quite stubborn. And things have been said and done that can never be unsaid and undone.

So seeing someone who has declared that they never want to see you again...... awkward.

I keep thinking of slipping a note into the game I'm giving back. When I think someone is mad at me I'd much rather write them a note to try to explain myself or apologize than do it face to face. This is because when someone yells at me, or even gives me an angry glare, everything in my head goes right out the window. In fact, I think one reason Sib's so mad is because when she asked me why, I couldn't give her any coherent, logical reasons about why I did what I did.

But a note wouldn't make it better, or make her feel better, it'd basically be to make ME feel better. I've been composing them in my head all day, and they all fit into two categories: showy display of verbal self-flagellation, or novel-sized justifications for why I did what I did. Ahrg.

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