Tuesday, October 01, 2002

It's sad how much I like taglines to things. I was thinking about whether or not I should really go with Straining to Void as the new title for this blog, and at the time I was listening to "Redneck Past" by Ben Folds Five. I was like, I should rename the blog "My Redneck Past," just so that I could put a tagline under it that says, "...I'm afraid they might uncover my redneck ass." (joke easier to get if you've heard the song) But I'm not a redneck, I'm solidly hick.

Then I was in the shower and started thinking of Muppets in Space, for no discernable reason. I thought of when the shrimp/prawn guy is like, "I'm not a shrimp! I am a king prawn!," and I thought that'd be a great tagline. Though I don't know what the actual title would be. And that got me to thinking of how the prawn was on a Long John Silver's ad not that long ago, and Sib was like, "That's sick! He IS a shrimp, and he's advertising shrimp as food! He's a cannibal!" and I laughed and said, "No, he is a king prawn!," and she said, "Same difference!" and then I realized that she didn't say it was sick to make me laugh, she actually did think it was sick, but I figure prawns made out of felt are an exception to the feeble laws of man.

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