Thursday, October 10, 2002

Oh, and I also forgot to blog that the guy who plays Jack on Will and Grace is now my patron saint.


Because he went to my lame-ass college and has still managed to have a successful career.

Of course he's more likable and talented than I am. And I doubt he's half as forgetful as me. *sobs*

Anyway, this is my lame segue into the fact that I'm an idiot. I totally walked into ACS lab this morning a full hour late because I screwed up when I set my alarm. Hell, I didn't even realize I was an hour late until half way through the time I had been there, I was looking at the lab description and noticed that there was a quiz that we hadn't taken, which got me to thinking, which made me realize I came in an hour late and am incredibally stupid.

Yes, I can program computers to do all sorts of complicated things, but when it comes to actually setting my damn alarm, I do it an hour late. So I've missed participation points, and I missed a quiz. Not a big deal--one participation grade and one quiz are dropped during the semester, and you get to pick which. EXCEPT IT'S A MAJOR DEAL BECAUSE I WAS STUPID AND SKIPPED LAB A COUPLE LABS AGO, so I've royally screwed myself.

So right now I'm praying to *whatever Jack from Will and Grace's real name is* to make everything all right, and going to go and start working on some of the stuff from lab I didn't get a chance to get because I'M A FREAK WHO CAME IN AN HOUR LATE.

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