Tuesday, October 15, 2002

I have to say, I don't blame people if they think I'm weird. I just thought of this a little while ago while I was in the utility room microwaving noodles while wearing a bathrobe with cartoon froggies on it and the obligatory towel turban (getting dressed after I got out of the shower took a backseat priority to having noodles).

Half-cooked, rancid, noodles, might I add. Rancid because I brought them from home when I came back to school for the week, and I let them sit out the whole day before remembering to put them in the fridge. I figured, hey, it's in tupperware, and I can also try to heat the rancid out of it before I eat it. This dream was dashed when the floor microwave (we're not allowed to have ones of our own) busted.

I still ate them. I noticed a funny taste, and then remembered that I'd let them set out. Then I ate quite a few more before I decided I probably shouldn't be eating half-cooked noodles with rancid butter on them. So if I don't blog for a couple of days, it's definately food poisoning catching up with me.

Anyway, another thing about being weird--I meant to post this yonks ago, but I was all depressed and posted something all depressy instead. I have some five dollar Farm And Fleet(TM) flip flops that broke awhile ago. I was so annoyed, because I ended up walking around campus wearing one sandal and and carrying around the other like the weirdo that I am. Anyway, later that week I REALLY wanted to wear them, so I stapled them back together. And of course they broke again. And of course I ended up carrying it around. I'm wondering, is this going to be a trend for me? Are residents of this campus to know me as "that girl who carries around a sandal"? I can see people talking:

Person1: Hey, did you see that girl on campus today who was carrying around a sandal?
Person2: Oh, yea. I think so, she seems to do it all the time.
P3: DUDE! I know who you guys are talking about! Does she also always wear these headphones that are taped together with masking tape?
P1: I think so. Does she also wear around this pink and pastel blue flannel that looks like she bought it in 7th grade?
P3: Yea. It's like she tried to buy into the whole grunge flannel thing, but then was too stupid to realize that pastel is not grunge. And still thinks it's cool to wear around or something.
P2: I wonder why she carrys around the sandal.
P1: Maybe she's too cheap to buy new ones.
P3: But they look like they cost, like, 5 bucks at farm and fleet.
P2: I'm wondering, is this going to be a trend for her?

Okay, okay....they wouldn't know all those details about the dorky flannel I wear around.

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