Thursday, October 24, 2002

/***********Incomprehensible C++ Rant*******************

OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CAN BLOW ME. I HATE classes. ESPECIALLY those little bastard constructors. I don't make the constructors return anything, and yet the compiler gets all pissy and "constructors don't return anything." And I'm like, "I know that, biznitch! I'm not making them return anything. Why do you think I'm making them return anything? Don't make me bust a cap in yo' ass!!" but then they still won't work. SEE YOU IN HELL CONSTRUCTORS

Ostream is unidentified? Bullshit! It's right there! You guys came up with it! And now you're telling me I made it up? What the hell??????? An OSTREAM is an OSTREAM. Why can't you identify my ostream? If you don't like my ostream, you can ram it!

**********End Incomprehensible C++ Rant*************/

This is what several hours of programming will do to me.

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