Monday, April 24, 2006

So yesterday I gave in and helped with Mulva's movie. I had my reservations at first, but I guess that's how it goes.

Bad things: the Movie Fan (setting of this picture) is very hot, and when I get hot, I turn pink like a drunk. So I am sweaty and drunk-pink in this. Also: generic licorice is not very good.

Good things: Mulva's friends are easily as twisted as I am. Also, there was a guy walking around dressed as a ninja most of the time, and every so often I'd forget he was there, and then catch him out of the corner of my eye, and be like, "is that a ninja?" I also managed to get the "beep boop" part from the beginning of the Postal Service song, "Brand New Colony" into at least two other people's heads.

Other notes:

Phoemeister: oh guess what
Suim: What?!
Phoemeister: last night I met a guy named Ryan, and we talked about rape for like four hours
Sui: haha
Sui: Umm.. good?
Phoemeister: so I guess what I'm trying to say is: thanks for visiting
Sui: Haha
Sui: Not a problem
Phoemeister: I actually gave in and went to help with Mulva's movie
Phoemeister: and he was the guy who shot the blood onto me
Phoemeister: true story
Sui: haha shot blood onto you?
Phoemeister: yeah, I die
Phoemeister: and he apparently has a thing that shoots blood onto people
Phoemeister: true story
Phoemeister: "he" in that sentence being what, the fifth Ryan I now know?
Sui: Haha
Phoemeister: so you know a guy with acess to a lot of fake blood is pretty cool
Sui: can't argue with that
Phoemeister: actually I talked to two guys about rape all night. But the other one's name was not Ryan, so I didn't think you'd find it as interesting :P
Sui: Well I think i'd be a little creeped out if I was spending the night talking to two guys about rape : |
Sui: Kind of like when I was in the shower in my dorm at U of A.. we had community showers
Phoemeister: well we weren't like, "isn't rape cool!"
Sui: and I hear one guy say to another guy in the stall next to him.. "Hey, do you know what sodomy is?"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: that's AWESOME.
Phoemeister: like, Mulva was making me talk in the background of this one shot, and I was like, "what do I say?" and the one guy was like, "you should just say rape over and over"
Phoemeister: and I laughed so hard it messed up the scene
Phoemeister: and then,you know how when I like a joke, I beat it into the ground? Yep.
Sui: haha nice

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